Die Sense of Coherence Scale: Testhandbuch Zur Deutschen


Die Sense of Coherence Scale - Susanne Singer - Adlibris

Se hela listan på de.wikipedia.org Upphovsman/-kvinna Sense of Coherence (SOC): Antonovsky, A. BESKRIVNING Vad mäter metoden? Känsla av sammanhang, position på kontinuet hälsa-ohälsa samt rörelse mot dess friska pol. Vad är metoden ursprungligen avsedd för? Mäta människans förmåga att anpassa sig till nya situationer. 2015-01-29 · Es wird eine 9-Item-Skala zur Erfassung des Work-SoC vorgestellt, die in acht Organisationen (n = 1084 Mitarbeitende) eingesetzt wurde. Die interne Konsistenz der Work-SoC-Gesamtskala lag bei α = .83. Die drei SoC-Dimensionen konnten abgebildet werden, wobei die Subskalen ein α = zwischen .72 und .84 aufwiesen Der SOC-Fragebogen.

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SOC seems to be a health promoting resource, which strengthens resilience and develops a positive subjective state of health. Salutogenesis is a valuable approach for health promotion and would be worth to implement in practice much more than to date. FRAGEBOGEN ZUR LEBENSORIENTIERUNG SOC-Skala (nach Antonovsky) Fragebogen zur Lebensorientierung Die folgenden Fragen beziehen sich auf verschiedene Aspekte Ihres Lebens. Auf jede Frage gibt es 7 mögliche Antworten. Bitte kreuzen Sie jeweils die Zahl an, die Ihre Antwort am besten ausdrückt.

If you are researching in the field of Salutogenesis, consider joining.

Die Sense of Coherence Scale: Testhandbuch Zur Deutschen

• A. Antonovsky: Das Leben ist ein salutogenes Wunder. Wie entsteht SOC? Menschen das. Konzept des sense of coherence (SOC) entwickelt. Andauernde Deba^e über den Charakter von SOC als disposiDonale und trait- Variable (u.a.

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Expertise zu Nutzen und Stellenwert des salutogenetischen Modells des Medizinsoziologen Aaron Antonovsky und seine möglichen Konsequenzen für die  Köp boken Die Sense of Coherence Scale av Susanne Singer (ISBN basiert auf dem Konzept der Salutogenese nach Aaron Antonovsky. Dieser Fragebogen wurde in mehr als 35 Sprachen übersetzt und findet weltweit Anwendung. av C Lloyd · 2018 · Citerat av 9 — by SOC-29 (Antonovsky, 1979, 1987), and significance was explored by questions Der Fragebogen zu Lebensbedeutungen und Lebens-. Die Sense of Coherence Scale: Testhandbuch Zur Deutschen Version: basiert auf dem Konzept der Salutogenese nach Aaron Antonovsky. Dieser Fragebogen wurde in mehr als 35 Sprachen übersetzt und findet weltweit Anwendung.

Antonovsky (1996) argues that the SOC scale is applicable to all fields of health care and a number of studies have looked at SOC in relation to diabetes. A cross sectional study of 4821 middle aged Swedish women with diabetes (Agardh et al 2003) found that a low SOC score was associated with type 2 diabetes. A later prospective study by 2006-09-01 The psychometric properties of Antonovsky's Sense of Coherence (SOC) Scale were examined. Subjects (N = 374) completed the SOC scale and a battery of theoretically relevant questionnaires. Principal-components analysis with a Varimax-Promax rotation produced a solution with 5 factors, which were further reduced to 1 factor, suggesting that the SOC scale is a unidimensional instrument. 1993-03-01 (SOC) as a cross-cultural concept (Antonovsky, 1987), meaning that in all cultures and at all stages of coping with a stressor, a person with a strong SOC is at an advantage in preventing tension from being transformed into stress. However, in seeking to understand how the SOC works, it is culture that seems to defi ne which resources are Examined the psychometric properties of A. Antonovsky's (1988) Sense of Coherence (SOC) Scale.
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The aim of this paper is to show the validity and the reliability of Antonovsky’s SOC scale. Abbreviations: SOC, sense of coherence scale; GRR, general resistant resources 460 www.jech.com by Antonovsky's Sense of Coherence Scale: Cultural Validation of Soc Questionnaire and Socio-Demographic Patterns in an Italian Population In two previous papers, we concluded that (1) the sense of coherence (SOC) scale developed by Aaron Antonovsky (1923–1994) is unable to prove the association between SOC and the physical health empirically and (2) the SOC scale is unlikely to be a fair materialization of Antonovsky’s idea and, thus, unlikely to measure SOC correctly. In association between SOC and physical health, as Antonovsky had claimed, because only a few modest correlations were found with physical health (correlations ranging from 0.17 - 0.51)[2-9].

Here the river flows SOC scale in order to test his hypothesis of a causal link between SOC and physical health.
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Die Sense of Coherence Scale - Susanne Singer - Adlibris

SOC-skalans validitet och reliabilitet förblir föremål för diskussion, då olika versioner av SOC-skalan ger olika resultat och olika möjligheter till analys. Nyckelord: sense of coherence, SOC-skalan, stress, Sweden, coping Abstract Background: Antonovsky’s sense of coherence (SOC) is a Der SOC ist ein leicht anwendbarer Fragebogen, der die Rückkehr in den Beruf nach Herzoperation prognostiziert. Neben medizinischen Gründen, wie Vorerkrankun „Sense-of-coherence“-Skala nach Antonovsky als möglicher Prädiktor für den Wiedereinstieg in das Berufsleben für herzchirurgische Intensivpatienten | SpringerLink Professor Antonovsky believed that, in general, a person with a strong SOC is more likely to feel less stress and tension, and to believe that he or she can meet demands. Antonovsky’s Sense of Coherence Scale: Cultural Validation of Soc Questionnaire and Socio-Demographic Patterns in an Italian Population Claudia Sardu1, Alessandra Mereu1,*, Alessandra Sotgiu1, Laura Andrissi1, Maria Katarina Jacob-son2, Paolo Contu1 1Dipartimento di Sanità Pubblica, Università degli Studi di Cagliari, Monserrato (CA), Italy 2017-03-12 · Greater levels of SOC were associated with better mental health, lower depressive symptom severity and better quality of life. Furthermore, greater levels of SOC were associated with lower suicidal risk even after adjustment for depressive symptom severity. Conclusion: The results of the present study showed that the Greek version of SOC-29 Aaron Antonovsky Ph.D. (1923-1994) Modell der Salutogenese # Sense of Coherence (SOC) # Fragebogen zur Lebensorientierung [ statistic] 2008-04-20 · According to Antonovsky's (Aaron Antonovsky, 1923-1994) sense of coherence (SOC) model, persons with a high SOC have the ability to benefit from their general defense mechanisms in order to overcome stressful situations.

Die Sense of Coherence Scale: Testhandbuch Zur Deutschen

Der Fragebogen ist ab einem Alter von 16 Jahren einsetzbar. Eine umfassende Dokumentation über die Salutogenese von Antonovsky finden Sie gratis als PDF HIER Fragebogen Lebensqualität SOC An overlapping concept is Sense of Coherence (SOC), which stems from Antonovsky’s (1987) “salutogenesis” concept and has been operationalized in the Sense of Coherence Scale (SOC Scale). Antonovsky defined SOC as the global orientation of a person having a dynamic feeling of confidence to be able to cope with stressful challenges in life. Antonovsky postulates that the strength of SOC, resulting from the actual dynamic interrelationships of its mentioned three components has "direct physiological consequencies and, through such pathways affects health status" (1987, p.154).

Eigenwerte der unrotierten Lösung: 9,67/2,04/ 1,41/1,18/1,08.